Tuesday, 7 August 2018

2. Water Day/ Disorder Week/ Sea Season 1618

Standing amidst the wreckage of battle, the heroes were begged for mercy by Vanthorion, leader of a Lunar warband who had been pursuing a Hidden Gale raiding party (led by Auric Traskarsson). Swayed by his pleas for mercy (and the offer of 200 cows wergild), the heroes chose not to kill Vanthorion outright. This enraged Auric, who accused them of being Lunar collaborators. Although they were undecided as to what to do next, the clanfolk hid from a Hidden Gale party searching for Auric.

Their minds made up, the party headed towards the nearby Lunar fort, where they were quickly taken prisoner. After an anxious wait to discover their fate, the heroes were interviewed by Andrega Silverflame  and her staff officer Solvanthus (an experienced and deadly soldier). Another figure was also present in the room, but chose not to reveal its identity. As Vanthorion turned out to be Andrega's sister-son, the reward of 200 cows as wergild was honoured and Andrega saw the chance to make some new Sartarite allies and spread the Lunar way even further. Offering the heroes the opportunity to realise their dreams outside the restrictions of traditional Clan society, Andrega offered them the chance to prove their worth to the Empire. A certain Gringle Goodsell had proved to be a thorn in the side of the Lunar Governor, who would be grateful if he was 'removed'. To show the alternative to embracing the Lunar Way, they were treated to the sight of Auric Traskarsson being crucified as punishment for rebellion.

This sight fresh in their minds, the party carried on their pursuit of the herd stolen by the Grey Dog scum. However, the trail seems to lead higher into the Starfire Ridges, of which many strange tales are told....

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