As the heroes stood
in the centre of the Lower Town of Clearwine discussing the events in Kangharl’s court, they noticed Drenyan
striding towards them. Whereas before he had seemed directionless with nothing
driving him but a liking for drink, since his encounter with Terrastal he
seemed to move with a renewed purpose. This purpose drove him now, as he
summoned the companions to meet the Clan Circle.
As they entered the
Clan Hall, Zarah was in mid-flow, angrily describing the events of earlier in
the day. The Circle was divided, with some urging caution whilst others spoke
for action. Into this dangerous brew, the heroes poured their story and Baranthos’
wish that Gringle be saved from the ungentle attentions of the Lunar overlords.
As the decision hung in the balance Randel, Bofrost, Yrsa and Terrastal spoke
passionately for action. All eyed turned to Morganeth White-Eye as she weighed
their words. At once, she spoke firmly: “If Baranthos wishes it, Gringle must
be saved!”.
The decision made,
events moved quickly. As they were acting on behalf of the Clan, the heroes
were given valuable gifts of armour, weapons or other goods to help them on
their mission. Although they were tired from their experiences, they
accompanied Randel to his initiation into the Cult of Issaries.
(Thanks to Andrew for his description of Randel's initiation below)
Randel is taken up in front of the priest and asked questions such as when are the holy days, when is market day, what is the most popular export from Clearwine and what items are most popular in Clearwine. Which he answers successfully (he has had some coaching).Then he is tested by having to participate in some trades in which he is given the opportunity to cheat the other participants and in which someone tries to cheat to him. Randel ignores the opportunity to cheat the other merchant and picks up the attempt to cheat him and by rebuking the cheater and pointing out that Issaries always trades fairly passes the test.
Finally spirits are called and Randel is asked how Issaries has inspired him; he sights the moment he was able to calm the crowds in the square by invoking Issaries Harmony Rune. The spirits approve and Randel is welcomed into the cult. He is given a special coin with an image of Issaries on one side and Harmony and Movement Runes on the other and told if he keeps it in his coin bag the God will always watch over his wealth. He is also given tattoos of Harmony and Movement Runes on his chest.
The following
morning, still yawning, the warriors set off to take the shortest route to
Apple Lane. This would take them through the feared Colymar Wilds, a haunt of
the Elder Races, hostile spirits and fearsome beasts. This was also the land
claimed by the Black Spear Clan, fervent opponents of the Lunar Empire.
Although they had the same goals, a friendly welcome from the Black Spear was
far from certain.
As they headed for
Old Man Village, the seat of the Orlmarthing Clan, the road wound through hilly
and rough terrain. As they rounded a bend, a lone figure could be seen standing
atop a bluff overlooking the road. As they approached warily, the figure spat
insults and threats; it was Branduan, the Grey Dog warrior who had been desired
the Ernalsulva at the Feast of Beasts. He reserved particular anger for
Terrastal, his direct rival and let fly with an arrow. Quick as thought,
Terrastal summoned his passion for his Clan and let fly with his own arrow. The
shot was true, and pierced the meat of Branduan’s thigh. Howling, he fell to
the ground behind a low bush. As the rest of the Grey Dog ambushers stepped
forward, an enraged Terrastal let fly shot after shot, bringing down foe after
foe. Randel charged forward on his mount, but soon received two arrow wounds to
his abdomen as he attempted to control his skittish mount. Yrsa dismounted with
ease and ran forward to assist, whilst Bofrost the Sage held on to his own
frightened mount for grim death, muttering prayers all the while.
Soon, the one-sided
battle was over and the companions searched for Branduan. However, all that remained of him was a pool of blood
and mud, churned up by the hooves of the mount on which he had fled.
Frustrated, the party debated killing the wounded, but settle for simply riding
on. As the wounded cried for aid, they were answered by the howling of wolves
and the calls of other, less merciful beasts.
After enjoying the
hospitality and healing of the Orlmarthing Clan, the party continued their
journey early the next day, desperate to reach Apple Lane ahead of their Lunar
opponents. As Yelp reached the mid-point of his journey through the Upper Air,
their way was blocked by the dishevelled and uncouth warriors of the Black
Spear. Though they eloquently set forth their common hatred of the Lunars, and
the urgency of their mission, nevertheless the huge warrior maiden leading the
band was duty bound to take them before her chief for his decision.
At the Black Spear
camp, the companions were taken into a smoky, darkened tent and brought before Vestorfin Tribute-Taker. They
were surprised to meet a small, intense, quietly spoken man; not the giant
warrior they had expected. However, his worth was soon made clear as he
questioned them closely about their loyalties and intentions. Satisfied they
were not Lunar spies, Vestorfin offered a guide and escort through the Wilds,
as far as the edge of Asborn’s lands. Hearing of their wish to throw off the
Lunar yoke, Vestorfin beckoned forward a shadowy figure from the rear of the
tent. ‘This is someone you should meet, if you follow the path of rebellion’.
As the figure shuffled forward, the heroes had a shock of recognition. The
figure was none other than Auric Traskarsson, warrior of the Hidden Gale, who
they had handed over to the Lunars not 16 days before in return for a payment of
cattle. The last they had seen of him, Auric was being crucified above the gate
of a Lunar fort; now, the next words from his lips may mean a bloody execution
at the hands of the Black Spears…
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