Thursday, 6 December 2018

6. A-Watch, Sector 13: Something wicked this way comes...

Following next morning’s briefing, whilst the other A-Watch Judges dispersed to their various assignments, Kowalski and Wily grabbed a quick synthi-caff and considered their next move. As they stood scowling at the caustic black liquid in their cups masquerading as caff, Muller strode past them with a grin on his face; to what passed for delight in Muller’s world, he’d been assigned to crowd control duties at an outdoor ‘Black Spug’ concert. Fuelled by loud music and the inevitable availability of illegal narcotics, the juves at these gatherings often became violent and required stern management before being carted off to the ‘cubes. Or Resyk, depending on how stern the management proved to be. Tailing Muller’s purposeful stride was another, younger Judge who’d been newly-assigned to the Sector House named Hurst. He’d drawn attention to himself by sitting ramrod-straight throughout the morning briefing and asking a succession of questions, to the increasing exasperation of older Judges who just wanted to get out on the Slab and crack heads. ‘Academy Chrome’ they called it; they’d all had it when they first graduated, until time on the streets and the death of colleagues dulled its sheen and finally wore it away completely. Either to accelerate his integration into the Judge community, or to temper Muller’s wilder excesses in crowd management, Hurst had been assigned to Muller to be shown the ropes.

As the pair strode towards the Armoury, Wily and Kowalski conferred. Although Kowalski had arranged for spycam observation of the dust zone where the Stookie Glanders appeared to be operating, given the size of the zone it would probably take a few days before anything significant turned up. With that in mind, and with the words of their Watch Commander ringing in their ears, they decided to go and ruffle Agnes Radley’s feathers and see what happened. To increase the pressure on Radley, Wily contacted Judge-Auditor Gimlet, his Acc-Div contact. As usual, Gimlet was hunched over a vid-screen, navigating the bewildering flow of financial data with ease. When Wily suggested a field-audit of Radley’s business interests, Gimlet jumped at the chance. So it was that a small team of Acc-Div Judges gathered in the basement garage, loading equipment into a nearby H-Wagon. As the garage door swung open, even this wan sunlight made the Acc-Div Judges blink and showed just how pale and pasty they were. ‘Clearly don’t get out much’ grumbled Kowalski, climbing aboard her bike.

Once more astride their powerful Lawmasters, and with fully-replenished ammo pouches, the pair and their H-Wagon escort headed for Kimmi Kardashian Block. As on their last visit, KK Block was a shining example of shallow commercialism that the Big Meg could be proud of. However, fashion moved fast in the citizen population; instead of adverts for buttock-implants and bejewelled ‘bum-wheels’ , the huge vid screens extolled the virtues of synthetic neck inserts as the new ideal of beauty. Many of those on the bleeding-edge of fashion now sported what appeared to be huge goitres, and the most dedicated found that they were unable to talk due the size of their neck implants. As a consequence, they used sub-dermal electronic screens on their expanded necks that enabled them to communicate via a sequence of emojis.

The Judges were far past being surprised by how far citizens would go in pursuing a craze, so strode though the block entrance without a sideways glance.  Whilst the Acc-Div Judges set about commencing their audit, Wily and Kowalski headed straight for ‘Racked’, the beauty parlour owned by Jennifer Radley, Agnes’ daughter, and of which two of the missing persons had been customers.
The Judges heard ‘Racked’ before they saw it; as they approached, they could feel a dull bass thud of borderline code-violating volume through the soles of their Department-issue boots. The door to the beauty parlour was black, its handles fashioned from what appeared to be curved human spines. ‘Realistic, but fake’ whispered Kowalski, ‘but still grud-damn weird!’. As they pushed open the doors, the noise suppressors in their helmets kicked in, and Wily made a note to cite the Radleys for a noise violation alongside whatever else they were tied up in. The foyer of ‘Racked’ was decorated in a predictably gothic style; lots of dark synthi-wood, black drapes, skulls and faux occult symbolism. The human receptionist, one Mina Margolotta, looked up from her nails as the Judges strode in. As Wily used the full weight of his authority to demand to see Agnes Radley, Kowalski examined the décor in more detail. Amongst the purportedly occult scrawls, it was clear to her that someone with actual knowledge of the occult had been involved also. Given the City’s devastating encounters with extra-dimensional entities in the past, every Psi-Judge took a mandatory module on Occult Knowledge to allow them to at least spot the warning signs. It was even rumoured that there was a special team of Exorcist-Judges tasked with dealing with such activities, but the Department had denied this.

Turning back to Wily, she noted that the receptionist’s will to resist had been effectively broken by his unique mix of charm, threats and appeals to her better nature. Wily was grimacing as Mina showed him a series of vid-captures of the sort of ‘enhancements’ that customers received. The ‘improvements’ were grotesque, adding spikes, pads and blades to the extent that customers became twisted and deformed in the extreme. Furthermore, he’d learned that Racked’s clientele only numbered twelve individuals, and that Eunice Glover and Hilary Swank had been customers before they’d fallen out with Agnes Radley’s daughter, Jennifer. As Kowalski reflected that the number thirteen was somewhat ominous, Wily checked in with Judge Gimlet’s team. She quickly confirmed that such a small pool of customers would not provide enough income to support the parlour; it was clearly being kept open for reasons other than profit. As they left to confront Agnes, the receptionist let slip that Jennifer’s mother seemed more afraid of her daughter than protective…

As may be expected, Agnes’ hab occupied much of the top floor of the block and commanded a breathtaking view of the city. Agnes herself was a surprisingly un-enhanced woman in late middle age; she was clearly in the business of defining fashion for others to follow (and for her to profit from) rather than following it herself. As Wily took the lead on a circuitous line of questioning intended to unsettle Radley, Kowalski again observed both Radley and her environment. She soon determined that Agnes was in fact frightened of her daughter, although she clearly still felt some protective instincts as her responses to Wily were evasive. As she examined the room, she also found jewellery decorated with actual occult symbols often associated with eternal life. Also suspicious…

Despite vigorous questioning, Agnes Radley wasn’t about to give anything further away voluntarily. Therefore, Wily placed Agnes in the care of the Acc-Div Judges with a view to further interrogation back at the Sector House. However, they were sure that Jennifer Radley was the spider at this particular web. With that in mind, they paid a visit to Jennifer’s hab before leaving. Although Jennifer lived on the same floor as her mother, it was apparent that the two living areas were placed as far apart as they could be whilst still being on the same level. Carefully opening the door to the hab, a swift and professional search showed that Jennifer was not at home. The décor was similar to ‘Racked’, and had clearly been designed by the same, twisted mind. As Kowalski toured the room, reaching out with her powerful mind, she realised that although the room bore all the signs of being inhabited, there was something too artful and staged about it all; as though someone was trying to make the room look as though it was lived in.

Finding nothing of interest, the Judges were about to head back to the Sector House when Kowalski stopped dead. Stepping back into the hab, Wily watched as Kowalski paced back and forth, mumbling under her breath and glowering at the walls. Eventually, she approached one innocuous-appearing wall and felt over the surface. Pressing on two points, Kowalski was rewarded with a muted click as the ‘wall’ swung open. Immediately, their nostrils were assaulted by an all-too-familiar stench: rotting human flesh. Engaging their respirators and checking their ammo status, the two Judges expertly entered the darkened space. Inside, the hidden room was revealed to be dusty and bare, as were all such block floors before being partitioned into habs. Moving further into the room, Kowalski leapt back as a shape dropped from the ceiling, just missing her head. As the form unfolded from the ground in front of her, Kowalski was faced with a horrifying sight. Although the creature had clearly once been human, it was now horribly misshapen. Huge, gangrenous wounds gaped on its skin, and blades and other, less identifiable things projected all over its body. Stunned, Kowalski whispered ‘Jennifer…?’ 

In response, the figure hissed and lashed out with its filthy claws at dazzling speed, driving the Judge backwards. Before she knew it, she’d taken several deep cuts to her upper body. Reaching a rapid decision, Wily fired an incendiary shell and caught the figure full on. Although it burst into flame, it continued to come for Kowalski until it was finally put down with repeated shots. Calling for backup from Control whilst Kowalski used one of her medkits, Wily threw a stumm grenade through a nearby door. Instantly, he heard an enraged howling from within. Grabbing the door handle, he shouted to Kowalski to help him as he felt a powerful wrench from the other side. Barely, he and Kowalski managed to hold the door shut. As Kowalski looked around for something to bar the door, she was rewarded by the sight of another of the creatures creeping out from a darkened alcove across the room. ‘Backup better get here soon’ she muttered.

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