Friday, 5 October 2018

15: Windsday to Godday; Death Week; Sea Season, 1618

Seeing the desperation of Yrsa’s situation, Randel reached out to his god. In the Godtime, Issaries had forged an unbreakable bond with Orlanth whilst on the Lightbringer Quest. To seal their friendship, Orlanth had gifted Issaries with the power of flight. Now, following the Great Compromise, devotees of Issaries retained access to the Rune power of flight. Thinking quickly, Randel prayed to his god for aid, and felt his power flow through him as he visualised the Air Rune spinning in the air before him.

On the roof, the Tarshite mercenaries warily watched the window to the interior of Gringle’s pawnshop. Suddenly, the one nearest to Yrsa’s apparently dying body gave a yell and jumped backwards as Yrsa’s form rose into the air and glided silently towards the open window. As her body quickly passed them, those within reach thrust their spears at her. But, surprised by the turn of events and the speed of her movement, they failed to hit home.

As Yrsa flew through the window, a relieved Randel caught her and guided her into cover behind some barrels in the corner of the storeroom. Reaching into his pack, he uncorked a bottle and carefully poured a powerful healing draught into Yrsa’s mouth. A gentle glow seemed to suffuse her rough-hewn features as the wound in her throat seemed to blur and vanish. With a shout, Yrsa woke to the sight of her boon companion.

Meanwhile, Terrastal occupied himself with shooting arrows at the only Tarshite he could see, being rewarded every now and then with a bout of swearing as an arrow found its mark. Grinning evilly to himself, Terrastal heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs from below. As he called out a warning to Randel, Yrsa rose to her feet and grabbed a spear from Terrastal’s pack. Shaking her head to clear the effects of Randel’s potion, she blocked the door leading downwards with a barrel and readied her spear.

One of the Tarshite’s impetuously jumped into the room, only to be felled by bowfire from Terrastal and Randel. Seeing this, the remaining mercenaries prepared themselves for the fight by casting Bladesharp and Protection. But still the heroic companions were able to fend them off until only two foes remained. These were pursued by an enraged Yrsa and a gleeful Terrastal, with prisoners being taken.

As the hero band took stock of their situation, they noted the villagers, Gringle and Quackjohn gathering outside. The air was sundered by the wailing of Dronlan Swordsharp’s widow, and sorrow hung in the air like a bitter mist. Moving to join the villagers, the matter of what was to be done was discussed. It transpired that the Lunar interlopers had left Apple Lane in the direction of Runegate once it became clear that Gringle had determined friends. After much debate, Bulster and his family decided to remain in the safety of the Tin Inn, with the devotees of Uleria remaining also. That left some four families to seek a new home. Gringle declared that he planned to travel first to Asborn’s Stead, and from there to set a course for Nochet in Esrolia. As this was a vast city of some 100,000 souls, Gringle felt he would be able to hide from Lunar attention, at least for a while. Hearing this, the four families decided to follow Gringle to Asborn’s Stead, and then decide their road from there.

The companions were split; Randel felt honour-bound to ensure the families were safe, whilst the others were keen to pursue Erianda and Darsten to Runegate and hopefully take their revenge. Before they went their separate ways, Gringle laid the body of Dronlan Swordsharp in the centre of the Pawnshop and bade his salamander to consume the building and its contents, before being released from Gringle’s service. The fire elemental set about its task with relish, and soon a huge plume of flames reached into the darkening skies. The sombre villagers watched in silence, the only sounds being the crackle of burning timbers and the wailing of Dronlan’s widow.

As full darkness fell, the villagers prepared to leave their long-time home. Bidding farewell to his companions, Randel walked into the gathering gloom, calling out that he would meet them at Geo’s Inn in Runegate two days hence. Seeing his form disappear into the darkness, the remaining companions readied themselves to leave likewise. As they themselves moved off towards Runegate, a crashing sound came from the Pawnshop as the roof fell in. Turning, a huge fountain of sparks could be seen, shimmering in the night air. Truly, they thought, this marked the end of an era in Dragon Pass.

The companions move rapidly through the remaining hours of night. As Yelm the Sun climbed once more into the sky, they stopped only briefly to accept a morsel of food and drink from villagers. Determined to reach Runegate, they pressed on through the day. To their right lay well-tended farmland and orchards, whilst to their left lay the ominous bulk of the Starfire Ridges. As they rode, they beheld the spectacle of two winged humanoids battling what appeared to be a Griffin in the air about the peaks. As they watched, one of the Wind Children fell from the sky and was consumed by the Griffin whilst the remaining Wind Child flapped disconsolately away.

As night fell, the walls of Runegate could be seen in the middle distance, and the smoke of its fires made Yelm’s rays shimmer. By the time they reached its gates, it was full night. As they approached, they noted keen-eyed watchers on the walls, and braziers set out within bowshot of the walls to light the land around the city. A group of riders emerged from a postern gate and approached the travellers cautiously. It was evident that these were seasoned warriors from the way in which they sat their ponies. Yrsa remarked on their tattoos, marking them out as devotees of Humakt; the city lay hard by the Upland Marsh, and Humakt has always been set against the risen dead which often came from the marshes.

Determining that they were of the living, the companions were admitted to Runegate. They were directed to Geo’s Inn for accommodation, and instructed to attend the Temple of Elmal in the morning, where Selelmal the True would hear their story. Passing  a quiet night in the common room of the inn, the local talk was mainly of horses; however, on gentle probing by Terrastal, it became clear that Darsten Black Oak was well-known locally as a bully and a braggart. Both he and his two-dozen strong Black Oak Brotherhood were generally given a wide berth; of Erianda the Red, no news was to be had.

The following day, the group rose early and presented themselves to Selelmal the True, Lord of Runegate. After a brief interview, they were given leave to remain as long as they kept the King’s Peace. Not being able to restrain herself further, Yrsa set off for the Temple of Redalda, which lay just to the north of the city in a vast stockade containing the priceless Runegate herds. Running to keep up with her loping stride, Bofrost accompanied her, ever willing to learn something new. The remaining companions busied themselves in exploring the city, and waited for the return of Randel.

Yrsa approached the Temple of Redalda with her heart beating heavily in her chest. She thought back to her strange vision of the Green Foal near the Shrine of Idrima, and readied herself for what may come next. Whilst she entered the temple, Bofrost remained outside, both from respect and in amazement at how people could be so interested in horses rather than scrolls.

Entering the temple, Yrsa approached a broad, red-haired woman who was clearly the High Priest. As she did so, the centre of her forehead began to burn and itch tremendously, sending pain coursing through her head and body. As her steps faltered, she cried out before she collapsed from the pain. At her cry, the priest turned and caught her as she fell; a murmur of wonder passed through those nearby as they witnessed the rune of Fire burning bright on this newcomer’s forehead.

Seeing the commotion, Bofrost pushed his way through the crowd that had formed, into the temple. As he did so, he heard a thunder of hooves as the herds suddenly merged into one and ran joyfully around the temple. From the astonishment of the crowd, Bofrost determined that this was unheard of…

Yrsa awoke to look into the concerned eyes of the priest, who introduced herself as Nallindia Horse-Mistress. From snatches of brief conversation with her initiates, two things became clear: firstly, others had come bearing the mark of Redalda, possibly marked by the Goddess for some destiny. Secondly, once the rune had been awakened, the connection with Redalda must be made firm through initiation or the aspirant would be consumed by the heat of their own body!

As Bofrost stood vigil amongst the gathered crowd, Yrsa underwent her long wished-for initiation.

In front of the crowd the Priest of Elmal and the Priestess of Redalda re-enacted the marriage of Redalda and the Sun. Once this ceremony had taken place the women and men separated; the men left for the temple of Elmal and the women (a much smaller number) entered the shrine of Redalda. Here, Yrsa had her weapons taken from her and began the initiation. Firstly, she was tested on and recited the duties of an initiate: to guard the horses of Orlanth; to protect, raise, fees and care for all horses; to never permit a horse to suffer and to hunt the predators of horses.

At this point Yrsa was given an effigy of a wolf, covered in part of the pelt of a wolf, which she was instructed to fling into a cauldron of fire representing the Sun. The voices of the women were raised in prayer and Yrsa symbolically became a horse: she was stripped, and a piebald pattern painted on her skin using ash from the fire and limestone paste from the altar. Her hair was braided like a mane and the lines of a saddle and bridle were also painted on her in ash. At this point the priestess handed Yrsa a thin bronze disc embossed with a horse’s head on one side and a Sun on the other. Covered in finely beaten gold, the disc shone like the Sun. Yrsa then dressed and had her weapons returned to her. She was now an Initiate of Redalda, Goddess of Horses, Wife to the Sun and Guardian of the Steeds!

Meanwhile, Terrastal and Sandene were hailed by Randel who had arrived at Runegate as the sun reached its zenith. Nervously, he recounted what had transpired at Asborn’s Stead. Although they had been warmly welcomed, there was not enough room to hold the new families and they would be forced to seek elsewhere for aid. After a long evening of mead and counsel with both Asborn and Gringle, it had been agreed that the refugee families would travel with Gringle to the lands around Clearwine. There, Gringle would send word to Morganeth of the Ernaldori, begging that they be given leave to settle on tribal lands and accepted into the tribe, whilst he himself continued on his way. However, they would need to be sponsored into the tribe by someone who would take responsibility for them. Therefore, on behalf of the companions, Randel had accepted both that burden and honour. Rather than exploding in anger as Randel had feared, Terrastal had welcomed the news; truly, the mind of an Orlanthi is unpredictable at the best of times!

Heading over to the Lightbringer Temple to give thanks and to renew their link with their respective Gods, the band of heroes were reunited with Yrsa and Bofrost. As they recounted their various news, the others cast glances upon Yrsa’s forehead where the Fire rune appeared to glow with a soft light.

Returning to the inn, the companions debated what to do next. Randel was all for returning to Clearwine to pass on news to the Tribal Ring, but Terrastal still wanted revenge on Darsten. As a result, the heroes scouted the barracks of the Black Oak Brotherhood before falling into conversation with the Humakti Gate Wardens. During this, one of the Wardens let slip that Darsten and his followers often communed with their foreign god at grove of twisted and blackened trees to the east of the city. Sensing an opportunity, the band set off to investigate. Not put off by the blackened trunks of the trees, the weirdly sinuous carvings of both Death and Storm runes or the sounds of thunder from a clear sky, the heroes entered the shrine with Sandene in the lead. Almost as soon as she did so, however, a Death spirit wielding an axe with a blade the colour of moonlight appeared and reached out towards her, engaging her in deadly spirit combat! 

Artwork used without permission.

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